Every rough diamond we choose is a natural beauty. It was made by Mother Nature and we prefer to keep it that way. We don’t see imperfections, we see personality. Isn’t that what makes us who we are? Love it like it is.
It wasn’t until her ex-husband returned from Antwerp with hundreds of photos of raw uncut diamonds, that Maya first saw diamonds in their natural form and fell in love. With all the imperfections laid bare, she saw their effortless natural beauty.

Rough diamond rings
We craft different kinds of jewellery with uncut diamonds as bespoke orders, but be sure to check out what uncut diamond jewellery we have in store.
Sisters. Not twins.
The hidden boutique
To make diamonds, a rare beauty of nature, perfect conditions are needed. To make jewellery with raw uncut diamonds and for you to find your perfect gem, perfect conditions are needed too. Our Hidden Boutique and Workshop on Bredgade is indeed a rarity worth finding.

Our workshop
All our unique Danish design jewellery pieces are designed and handcrafted in the Hidden Boutique. This allows you to follow the piece from loose rough uncut diamond to finished fine jewellery piece.